Anthony Caro Centre
38a Georgiana Street
London NW1 0EB
United Kingdom
Paul Caro
Ed Goolden
Hywel Livingstone
Anthony Caro Centre
(incorporated in England as Barford Sculptures Ltd – No.976370)
Copyright licensing and image hire:
The Anthony Caro Estate holds the full copyright to all Anthony Caro works.
If you wish to reproduce an image of any works by Anthony Caro in any format please contact the licensing team at DACS (licensing@dacs.org.uk). Please make sure to provide them with full details of use (print run, territories, images, languages, etc.).
Texts by Paul Moorhouse are the copyright of the author: © Paul Moorhouse 2023
Sales enquiries should be directed to:
United Kingdom
United States
New Art Centre
Roche Court
Salisbury, Wiltshire
Tel: (0044) 01 9808 6244
e-mail: nac@sculpture.uk.com
Contact: Jessica Smith, Director
20 Grosvenor Hill
London W1K 3QD
United Kingdom
Tel: (0044) 20 7495 1500
e-mail: london@gagosian.com
Contact: Mark Francis, Director
Annely Juda Fine Art
23 Dering Street
London W1R 9AA
United Kingdom
Tel: (0044) 20 7629 7578
e-mail: ajfa@annelyjudafineart.co.uk
Contact: David Juda, Director
Galerie Daniel Templon
30 rue Beaubourg
75003 Paris
Tel: (0033) 1 42 72 14 10
Fax: (0033) 1 42 77 45 36
e-mail: info@danieltemplon.com
Contact: Anne-Claudie Coric, Director
Mitchell-Innes & Nash
1018 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10021
Tel: (001) 212 744 7400
e-mail: info@miandn.com
Contact: Lucy Mitchell-Innes, Director
Galeria Alvaro Alcazar
Castello 41
E-28001 Madrid
Tel: (0034) 91 781 6039
email: galeria@galeriaalvaroalcazar.com
Contact: Alvaro Alcazar, Director
Galerie Max Hetzler
Bleibtreustraße 45
Bleibtreustraße 15/16
Goethestraße 2/3
10623 Berlin–Charlottenburg
Tel: (0049) 30 346 497 85-0
email: info@maxhetzler.com
Contact: Kim Klehmet, Director
Photos courtesy of Shigeo Anzai, David Buckland, Jane Courtney Frisse, Patrick Cunningham, Marco de Valdivia, Paul Dunn, Paul Foster, John Goldblatt, David Gooding, David Hubbard, Carlos Granger, Mike Hales, Michael McShane, William Noland, John Riddy, Steven Sloman, Petri Virtanen/Central Art Archives; UK Government Art Collection, Crown Copyright, John Hammond, Christopher Cunningham, Mike Bruce.
The images included on this website are protected by copyright. They may be reproduced for personal or educational use only. They must not be used in conjunction with any commercial or political activity without the express permission of the Anthony Caro Centre.